The mind and the devil (Part 1)
Everyone in this virtual world have
become a slave of their mind,
and this devil is controlling them during the waking state
and controlling them during the sleep also through dreams.
It won't allow them to be at peace during daytime,and also during sleep
The people in the world are dancing to the tunes of their
mind knowingly or unknowingly,with their consent
or without their consent like a monkey
dancing to the movement of a stick at his masters hand.
Mind may turn friends into a foe a
and foe into a friend at any time
It will find some reasons at times.
At times there will be no reason at all
for its hasty decisions
If a monkey caught hold of anything
in its hand out of fear
,it won't leave it till it dies..
When a monkey has seen the snake ,face to face
it will catch it with its hand
and won't .loose its grip all the time
once it catches the snake out of fear
The monkey knows well that if it let the snake
it will bite it and and it has to face death .
The snake would have been died instantly
when caught by the monkey
It is already dead and become a dried skeleton
in the hands of the monkey
But the monkey out of fear of death
it wont throw the dead snake
It will wander here and there without
taking any food and finally die.
So also all the people in this world die with their countless thoughts
acquired through several births.
The body they live alone perishes
Their thoughts in their minds will never gets destroyed.
It will be alive and travel with them to the next succeeding births
When a man acquire a similar thought which is already stored in his mind
that thought gets strength and make him to the present birth.
This process will go on for ever till he peep into his mind and
delete all the thought from his mind
like deleting the unwanted files from the computer
.or to format it to get a new one to start from the scratch
The mind records millions of information through its sense organs.
It merges with the thoughts already stored in the mind.
They record all of the ideas in our mind
which are permanently recorded.
It is very difficult to remove them.
The new scenes seen every moment through his senses,
all new messages are recorded.
All vedios and audios, and seen and unseen things are
fed automatically into our mind with and without our knowledge..
When the mind interact with a person
it will take the information already in its memory
it creates scenes speeches, making man happy or
unhappy ,restless or peaceful.
The untold sufferings undergone by this mind
had urged some people to find out ways to control the mind.
Millions of people have tried their best and
unable to find any solutions.
But some have succeeded in their attempt and
found several ways to control it.
But the intelligent mind has fooled everybody
by staying calm for some period of time
and finally made the humanity to become its slave.
However the yogis and saints of India have never given their hope.
Lot of literatures were created in India in which everything was
recorded in the form of epics and stories. .
which are very useful to the seekers of truth
But like a cow which eats straw and digest it and leave it as a cowdung.
Mere reading and lecturing these of these epics without searching
the truth which are interwoven in these epics will serve no purpose.
It requires lifelong study and
to follow the teaching in the real life alone
will bear fruit. (More to come)
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